«Δίκαιο και Οικονομία» Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών | Quality Assurance Policy of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus
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Quality Assurance Policy of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus

The Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus recognises quality as the primary means of achieving a high standard of academic and research work. The department’s quality culture is expressed by the commitment of its staff and its students towards achieving that end. The department’s management, as well as its academic and administrative staff, work and cooperate in accordance with the department’s values, embrace its vision and its mission and contribute towards the achievement of its strategic goals. They recognise and adopt good practices and participate in continuous improvement processes.


Quality Statement

The Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus is committed to ensuring the presence of high quality in all its activities, through the adoption of an appropriate policy that will promote its academic profile and contribute towards the realisation of its goals. In addition, it is committed to providing high-quality curricula and services to meet the needs of not only the academic community, but also those of society at large. To that end, the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus offers people-centred, modern, accessible, equal and inclusive education, on the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, based on international quality standards.


Quality Assurance Policy

The Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus implements a quality assurance policy whose purpose is to continuously improve all of its study programmes, its research activity and its administrative services, with the goal of constantly refining the level of its academic and administrative work, and its operation in general.


The Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus’s quality assurance policy is geared towards achieving its vision, as the latter is delineated by specialised strategic goals for postgraduate studies. All members of the department’s academic community, on the basis of universal values that the department – and the University of Piraeus as a whole – adopt and advocate for, meaningfully contribute towards the achievement of its goals.


The main objectives of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus regarding Master’s programmes are:

  • Provision of high-level tertiary education, specialised training, and the continuous adaptation of Master’s programmes to scientific developments and the demands of the market and society, focusing on the development of fundamental contemporary knowledge, abilities and skills, adhering to the principles of scientific ethics.
  • Strengthening of research and innovation withing the framework of Master’s programmes, aiming at bringing together applied research with teaching and industry.
  • The outward focus and international orientation, with the expansion and intensification of international networks and strategic partnerships with academic and industry institutions for the continuous improvement of the Master’s programme.
  • Improving the connection between Master’s programmes and the labour market.
  • Strengthening the connection with local communities and the positive social impact of the activities that Master’s programmes undertake.
  • Promoting excellence, continuous improvement of human resources and developing a favourable environment that sets students and academic/administrative staff of the Master’s programmes up for success.
  • Upgrading and expanding infrastructure and services and building an advanced material base, which promotes efficiency in the day-to-day operation of Master’s
  • Ensuring quality and continuously improving the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus’s Master’s programmes.

The department’s quality assurance policy serves its purpose, supports its student-centred academic strategy and contributes towards the realisation of its goals. It is highly specialised and monitored through specific quality targets and makes use of processes that promote its continuous improvement.


In particular, to implement its quality assurance policy, the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus is committed to implementing actions and processes which will ensure:

  • The provision of top-level postgraduate education, which ensures that management executives are highly educated and trained, through the provision of modern and specialised knowledge.
  • That the structure and organisation of Master’s programmes on offer are fit for purpose.
  • The successful achievement of educational outcomes and level 7 qualifications in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
  • The continuous improvement of educational processes and effectiveness in teaching.
  • That the teaching staff’s qualifications are fit for purpose.
  • The connection of teaching with research.
  • That graduates’ qualifications are in high demand in the labour market.
  • A high level of quality in the programme’s support services, in particular administrative (e.g. library and laboratory services) and student welfare services.

Quality assurance in the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus’s Master’s programmes is based on the close cooperation between academic and administrative staff, as well as the department’s external partners, to provide high-quality services, in order for the curricula to be up to date with international standards of academic excellence, as well as the expectations of graduate students, alumni, partner institutions, businesses and society.

Quality Assurance Policy Framework of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus’s Master’s programmes

  1. Master’s programmes operate in accordance with international quality standards.
  2. Master’s programmes’ quality assurance policy is in accordance with that of the University of Piraeus and is designed according to the department’s objectives, on an academic, research, and administrative level.
  3. All members of the Department of Business Administration’s academic community – and that of the University of Piraeus as a whole – recognise and actively support the Master’s programmes’ quality assurance policies.
  4. An effective and efficient quality assurance system has been implemented, that includes quality policy, quality objectives, procedures and performance indicators, and contributes towards the realisation of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus’s vision for its Master’s programmes.